Monday, September 15, 2008

Volume - Online Games

Explore your knowledge of volume and practice calculating using the following links.

Remember you need to use our schools login details after you click on the link.

Inside a cubic metre

Inside a cube: Level 2

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Healthy Habits and China Inquiry


This term we are working on our China inquiry. We have been looking at the Olympics and other aspects about the country and the culture. We have made PowerPoint’s in pairs for a mini project utilizing the subject areas the famous places in China, the colours, dragon dance, festivals and the Olympic game symbols.

For the last two weeks the school has been happily enjoy the fun of maths week. Jean of Room 6 is coming first in the country with over 400,000 points putting our school into 11th in the country!

Healthy Habits of Mind

This term we have started up a small programme to help us with our work and keep us paced. It is called The Healthy Habits of Mind and we have a new topic each week.

Starting with Persistence we have been happily aiming for these goals all term and are seeing how making they help make things in general less stressful.

Well done to the people who have successfully made it into the division crew. These people are; Charquera, Olive, Olivia, Angela, Lakan, Taylor, Olly, Matt, Georgina, Isaac, Sam, Cameron, Kayleigh and Nimthara. This means they get over 95% in their timetables in under three minutes. We know that everyone in trying hard to achieve this goal and are doing very well.

Healthy Heroes

Just a small reminder that you must do healthy heroes each week. If you do not have access to a computer you must go on before school on Friday. Come on guys don’t let them down!

We have had some issues with the laptops this term and last term. Although we are improving, we still need to take special care of them. Remember this is a privilege to use these computers.

China Inquiry
This term for our topic we have been learning about China. For the first time, we have each come up with our own Big Question based on something about China we want to learn more about. We have come up with research questions to help us answer our main one. After we have all of our information we will be sharing our findings in different ways.


A few weeks ago we had an art workshop in the hall, with Room 1 and Room 3. It went on for the whole middle block (which is between morning tea and lunch).

They all look fabulous!!!

On Friday the 22nd of August, the whole school went to the Michael Fowler Centre to watch and support our school in the Schools To Schools event, where many schools around the region came to show their talent. There were choirs, bands and lots of different dances.

Our school did are dance. We were very impressed and enjoyed it a lot. The people who danced from our class are; Olive, Georgina, Olivia, Angela, Josh and Jacob.

Geometry Celebration
Check out our finished products!

By Matt and Lakan!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

A lot of learning and ALL NEW VIDEOS of Vanessa playing Maori instruments

Bird Inquiry

Last term we did a bird Inquiry.

We shared our things with the school
and if you look closely you can see an example of the birds we invented.


We have been learning about geometry and we made 3-d objects in two ways;
out of paper nets and with chick peas and tooth picks.

We got to use the Mimio, which is like an interactive whiteboard.

This helped us see the back of some of the shapes because
Theresa found a website where we could watch a spinning shape.


Well done to Olive, Olivia, Lakan, Olly, Geogina, Chaquera, Angela, Taylor, Matt, Sam, Cameron and Isaac for getting into the division group.

That means they got over 95% on all their times tables in three minutes!
Everyone else is working hard to get in the group.

New People

This term we have two new people in our class.

Their names are Oliver who has come back to our school from Canada,

... and Seung Young who has come to our school from Korea.


Our Literacy Circles have been going really well.
Here is a picture of Amy and Josh during their groups meeting.

Some of the groups are on to making Book Reviews.

We are allowed to do them on power point so most people are.


Reminder - please be careful with the laptops. It is a privilege to have them.

China inquiry

We have started our China study.
It is going very well, we have learned a lot -
like every day there are 1000 new cars on the road - AMAZING!!!

Healthy Heroes

As you know we have been doing Healthy Heroes quizzes.

Last term the website was dull and boring but we are delighted to say that the Healthy Heroes people have updated it looks awesome now. Look on the right hand side of this blog under Useful Sites and visit the Healthy Heroes website to check it out for yourself!

Maori Language Week

On Thursday of this week Theresa's friend Vanessa came in
to show our syndicate some Maori instruments.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Cross Country and Nimthara

Cross Country
On Tuesday of last week we had our school cross country. Year 3 and up went to the Botanical Gardens. Seven students from our class got through to the Central Zone which happened on Tuesday of this week. The students from our class who went were Olive, Olivia, Nimthara, Melanie, Daniel, Olly and Matt. Olly did especially well and got into the Interzone. And Matt received a special mention for good sportsman ship because he helped a boy who had asthma.

As you might remember, we did Mathletics earlier on in the year. As our class got in the top 200 classes in New Zealand, we now get to go on Mathletics for the rest of the year for free. We do this as part of our daily mathematics, with each group getting at least one go on the laptops each week.
One student from our class got 58th in the country! She is Sam Panganiban! Congratulation Sam!

We have a new student in our class, Nimthara. She has moved from Sri Lanka. Nimthara is a Year 5 students and has just turned nine. On her first day at school she won the Year 5 Girls cross country race.

Whale Inquiry
We have finished researching and now we are writing our reports that will go into a book for the junior classes on New Zealand’s changed approach to whales and whaling.

Our focus for the first half of this term is catching and throwing. We have been practicing with tennis balls, basket balls and netballs. Next week we get to practice with rugby balls.
By Georgina and Olly

Monday, May 5, 2008

Whale Inquiry

For this Whale Inquiry the Big Question we are researching and answering as a class is

In what ways has New Zealand/Aotearoa
changed it's approach from
viewing whales as a resource to be exploited
to seeing them as a resource to be protected?

The students came up with question categories for their research. They then devised questions to help them answer the big question within their expert group. I have found some useful links to assist with researching. The research groups, questions and relevant links are below.

What is conservation?
When did whaling in New Zealand start declining?
When did we stop whaling and who started the movement?
Who are the conservation groups that are trying to save whales?
How does the New Zealand Department of Conservation help save whales?
Where in the world does DOC go to help whales and what do they do?
What is the main way the Department of Conservation is helping to save whales now?

Maori Kaupapa
What is sustainability?
What is the Maori view of sustainability?
Why do we look up to our Kaumatua?
Do we still use whale bone for carving? Why/why not?

How do whales get stranded?
What type of whales get stranded the most?
Where and when did we first re-float a pod of whales?
Who saves the whales?
What type of equipment do they use to re-float them?
Where in New Zealand/Aotearoa do whales get stranded the most?

Who gives whale watching companies a permit to watch whales?
How many companies offer whale watching in New Zealand/Aotearoa?
Do whale watching companies spend some of their money on whale conservation?
How much do tourists spend on whale watching a year?
Where are the whale watching spots?
Do whale watching companies send a 'save the whales' message to tourists?

Protest Groups
What impact do protest groups have?
Who is protesting in New Zealand and what are they doing?
What protest groups helped to stop whaling in New Zealand?,_Sea_Shepherds_end_Southern_Ocean_whaling_protest

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Sun Safety, Whales and Probability

Welcome to Room 2's Blog. It's been a great couple of weeks and we've done a lot!

On Monday of last week we went to Te Papa to see the whales exhibition.

We split up into three groups; one group went on a tour of the exhibition first and the two others went to look around Te Papa.

We got to go inside a life sized whale heart!

In the exhibition we learned that whales, dolphins and porpoises are all related. We also learned that whales send out signals that hit solid objects and bounce back to them.

It was a great day and we all had lots of fun. We are now working on a mini project on whales.

We have also been doing an Inquiry on being Sun Smart which we have also been writing about.. We had three main expert groups; geography, ozone and U.V.R. Now we are working on our posters.

We have started a new maths subject called probability and are learning about it now.

It was Laura's birthday the other day and her mum Carol brought in a cake and some rings and bracelets for everyone in the class!

Laura had a lot of fun and we love our gifts! Thanks Carol!

We are now allowed to bring C.D.s to school buit there are some rules. It is your responsibility to make sure there is no swearing on the CD and it is also your responsibility for any damage or breakage to the disk.

That is all for now. Thanks for reading!