Monday, May 5, 2008

Whale Inquiry

For this Whale Inquiry the Big Question we are researching and answering as a class is

In what ways has New Zealand/Aotearoa
changed it's approach from
viewing whales as a resource to be exploited
to seeing them as a resource to be protected?

The students came up with question categories for their research. They then devised questions to help them answer the big question within their expert group. I have found some useful links to assist with researching. The research groups, questions and relevant links are below.

What is conservation?
When did whaling in New Zealand start declining?
When did we stop whaling and who started the movement?
Who are the conservation groups that are trying to save whales?
How does the New Zealand Department of Conservation help save whales?
Where in the world does DOC go to help whales and what do they do?
What is the main way the Department of Conservation is helping to save whales now?

Maori Kaupapa
What is sustainability?
What is the Maori view of sustainability?
Why do we look up to our Kaumatua?
Do we still use whale bone for carving? Why/why not?

How do whales get stranded?
What type of whales get stranded the most?
Where and when did we first re-float a pod of whales?
Who saves the whales?
What type of equipment do they use to re-float them?
Where in New Zealand/Aotearoa do whales get stranded the most?

Who gives whale watching companies a permit to watch whales?
How many companies offer whale watching in New Zealand/Aotearoa?
Do whale watching companies spend some of their money on whale conservation?
How much do tourists spend on whale watching a year?
Where are the whale watching spots?
Do whale watching companies send a 'save the whales' message to tourists?

Protest Groups
What impact do protest groups have?
Who is protesting in New Zealand and what are they doing?
What protest groups helped to stop whaling in New Zealand?,_Sea_Shepherds_end_Southern_Ocean_whaling_protest


Anonymous said...

It's great to see you all back at school our whale inquiry that we are just starting at the moment is going great looking forward to all the research we are going to be doing.Hope everyone had a great holiday.Bye!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Our whale inquiry is going great at the moment.I am really looking forward to finishing these booklets for the juniors.
Crosss country was great today.Everyone did really well.Well done to eveyone who got into zentral zone and we all welcome Nimthara to our class.