Thursday, July 24, 2008

A lot of learning and ALL NEW VIDEOS of Vanessa playing Maori instruments

Bird Inquiry

Last term we did a bird Inquiry.

We shared our things with the school
and if you look closely you can see an example of the birds we invented.


We have been learning about geometry and we made 3-d objects in two ways;
out of paper nets and with chick peas and tooth picks.

We got to use the Mimio, which is like an interactive whiteboard.

This helped us see the back of some of the shapes because
Theresa found a website where we could watch a spinning shape.


Well done to Olive, Olivia, Lakan, Olly, Geogina, Chaquera, Angela, Taylor, Matt, Sam, Cameron and Isaac for getting into the division group.

That means they got over 95% on all their times tables in three minutes!
Everyone else is working hard to get in the group.

New People

This term we have two new people in our class.

Their names are Oliver who has come back to our school from Canada,

... and Seung Young who has come to our school from Korea.


Our Literacy Circles have been going really well.
Here is a picture of Amy and Josh during their groups meeting.

Some of the groups are on to making Book Reviews.

We are allowed to do them on power point so most people are.


Reminder - please be careful with the laptops. It is a privilege to have them.

China inquiry

We have started our China study.
It is going very well, we have learned a lot -
like every day there are 1000 new cars on the road - AMAZING!!!

Healthy Heroes

As you know we have been doing Healthy Heroes quizzes.

Last term the website was dull and boring but we are delighted to say that the Healthy Heroes people have updated it looks awesome now. Look on the right hand side of this blog under Useful Sites and visit the Healthy Heroes website to check it out for yourself!

Maori Language Week

On Thursday of this week Theresa's friend Vanessa came in
to show our syndicate some Maori instruments.


Anonymous said...

Hi, Room 2
Hope everyone had a great holiday I know that I did. I agree the new Healthy Heros website looks great. It is really cool how we have two new people in our class. Our Geometry is going to look so cool when it finishes.
Bye Bye

Anonymous said...

Whaea Kat says.....

How lucky you all are to have someone to come along and show you some of the Maori instruments. I think you sang Tutira mai nga iwi really well!! Remind whaea kat to bring the purerehua instrument in to the classroom next week(if I can find it that is)

Ka kite ano
Whaea Kat

Anonymous said...

Hi Room Two
I just watched your videos. They are awesome! You sang so beautifully. It looks like you are engaged in some exciting learning opportunities this term. I look forward to sharing with you at the end of the term. I am going to show your blog to my class tomorrow to inspire them!
Ms Brown

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone- just popping into your blog to say hello!! How are you all?
hey if you want to check out my website.
WOW you guys are flash having videos on your blog!

Vanessa Patea xxx